A recipient is having problems receiving emails to a private domain, but reports show their emails are successfully sent.  What can I do?

A recipient is having problems receiving emails to a private domain, but reports show their emails are successfully sent.  What can I do?

Chances are, the receiving email server is accepting the campaign but preventing it from being delivered to the inbox.

As long as the recipient is at a private/business domain, they can contact their IT team to white list our sending domain or IP range.  White listing either of these on the email server will then allow campaigns to be delivered.

IP range: (141.193.208.[0-255] AND 141.193.209.[0-255])

Domains are associated with the IP that is selected from the pool at the time of sending. Those should all end with n-email.net (Example: is dv8-190.n-email.net.)

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