Create a segment of contacts

Create a segment of contacts

What is a segment?

A segment is a dynamic subset of your contacts database. Segments use clauses to determine recipients of a campaign based on evaluation of data values stored on your contact records or behavior of recipients of a sent email.

You will create and manage segments in the Contacts dashboard of your account.

How do I create a segment?

Example #1—Contact data

In the Contacts dashboard click "Segments" on the left. Then click the "Create Email Segment" button to open the design workflow. The rest of the process is outlined below.

Step 1

In the "General Information" box, provide a name for the new segment.

Optionally, enter a description for additional context and place the segment in a folder.

Step 2

In the "Builder" box, click the "Add Clause" button.

The New Clause builder will then be displayed on-screen for you to use to build the criteria of the segment.

Step 3

Click to open the Select field menu to display segment clause options.

Scroll through the list, or use the search box to find your field.

Click on the field name to select and insert it into the clause builder.

Step 4

Click to open the "Is" operator menu. Choose the operator for the clause evaluation.

In this example, we want to find contacts in the city of Indianapolis. The operator used would be "equal to".

Step 5

Lastly, type in the value for the clause evaluation.

In this example, we'll enter "Indianapolis" to find contacts that have this value in their city field.

Click the "Save and Next" button to continue.

Step 6

In the last step of the workflow, Test, you can see how many contacts currently match the clause criteria.

Click "Exit" to jump out of the workflow.

Note: Segments are dynamic in nature. This means that when data changes or new contacts are added with data that matches, your segment count will be updated.

Example #2—Email recipient behavior

Step 1

In the "General Information" box, provide a name for the new segment.

Optionally, enter a description for additional context and place the segment in a folder.

Step 2

In the "Builder" box, click the "Add Clause" button.

The New Clause builder will then be displayed on-screen for you to use to build the criteria of the segment.

Step 3

Click to open the Select field menu to display segment clause options. Action clauses are located at the top of the menu. 

Click on the behavior clause to select and insert it into the clause builder.

Step 4

Choose the mailing(s) to evaluate the recipient behavior of by moving from left column to right column.

Optional settings:

  • On environment: narrow activity to web or mobile only. Default is all environments.
  • Mailing type: narrow mailing results to a specific type. Default is Regular.
  • When: Apply a period of time for behavior evaluation. Default is anytime.

Step 5

Click the "Save and Next" button to continue.

In the last step of the workflow, Test, you can see how many contacts currently match the clause criteria.

Click "Exit" to jump out of the workflow.

Choose a segment for a campaign

The purpose of segments is to allow you to build targeted audience groups to receive the campaigns that you send. In the campaign workflow, follow these steps to choose a segment as your mailing list.

  1. Open your campaign and navigate to the Contacts step.
  2. The left column displays all available segments (and tags). Locate and click on the segment name then click the arrow between the columns to move it to the right.
  3. Click the "Save and Next" button when done.

Note: You can choose more than one audience group to receive a campaign. In this scenario, the Delivra system will remove duplicates if they exist between groups.

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