Manage contact data fields

Manage contact data fields

Your account includes 90 standard contact demographic fields that are customizable. You can re-name the fields in your account to reflect standard demographic names your company uses. This customization is called a field alias. The field alias name is displayed throughout the Delivra system where that demographic field is seen (ex. contact records, segment clauses, merge tags, etc.).

Standard field list

The following is a list of the available demographic fields, including the data types and character limits for each field. You can reference this list when planning where to store data that you will import via CSV file, FTP, or integration.

AliasDatabase NameData Type
Additionaladditional_Long text - Unlimited (tested up to 120K)
Addressaddress_Text - 100 char
Address Line 2addressline2Text -100 char
Age Rangeagerange_Text - 50 char
Alternate Phoneaddressaltphone_Text - 15 char
Cityaddresscity_Text - 50 char
Children Presentchildrenpresent_Text - 20 char
Commentcomment_Long text - Unlimited (tested up to 120K)
Comment 2comment2_Text -1000 char
Comment 3comment3_Text -1000 char
Comment 4comment4_Text -1000 char
Comment 5comment5_Text -1000 char
Comment 6comment6_Text -1000 char
Comment 7comment7_Text -1000 char
Companycompany_Text - 50 char
Company Sizeprofilecompanysize_Text - 50 char
Countrycountry_Text - 100 char
Countycounty_Text - 50 char
Date 1userdate1_Date/Time
Date 2userdate2_Date/Time
Date 3userdate3_Date/Time
Date 4userdate4_Date/Time
Date 5userdate5_Date/Time
Date 6userdate_Date/Time
Decimal 1decimal1_Decimal (19,9)
Decimal 2decimal2_Decimal (19,9)
Decimal 3decimal3_Decimal (19,9)
Decimal 4decimal4_Decimal (19,9)
Decimal 5decimal5_Decimal (19,9)
Departmentprofiledept_Text - 50 char
First Namefirstname_Text - 50 Char
Full Namefullname_Text - 100 char
Gendergender_Text - 20 char
Home Ownership Status homeownershipstatus_Text - 20 char
Household Incomehouseholdincome_Text - 50 char
Industryprofileindustry_Text - 50 char
Last Namelastname_Text - 50 char
Last Purchase Datelastpurchasedate_Date/Time
Lead/Pipeline Statusleadpipelinestatus_Text - 50 char
Lifetime Value of Customerlifetimevalue_Decimal (9,2)
Number 1number1_Integer - 9
Number 2number2_Integer - 9
Number 3number3_Integer - 9
Number 4number4_Integer - 9
Number 5number5_Integer - 9
Phoneaddressphone_Text - 15 char
Rep Emailrepemail_Text - 100 char
Rep First Namerepfirstname_Text - 50 char
Rep Last Namereplastname_Text - 50 char
Rep Phonerepphone_Text - 15 char
Rep Photopepphoto_Text - 4000 char
Rewards Account Numberrewardsaccountnumber_Text - 50 char
Rewards Levelrewardslevel_Text - 50 char
Reward Pointsrewardpoints_Decimal (19,9)
Salutationsalutation_Text - 20 char
Stateaddressstate_Text - 50 char
Store Numberstorenumber_Text - 50 char
Suffixsuffix_Text - 20 char
Text 1text1_Text - 200 char
Text 10text10_Text - 200 char
Text 11text11_Text - 200 char
Text 2text2_Text - 200 char
Text 3text3_Text - 200 char
Text 4text4_Text - 200 char
Text 5text5_Text - 200 char
Text 6text6_Text - 200 char
Text 7text7_Text - 200 char
Text 8text8_Text - 200 char
Text 9text9_Text - 200 char
Titleprofiletitle_Text - 50 char
Unicode Text 1unicodetext1_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 10unicodetext10_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 2unicodetext2_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 3unicodetext3_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 4unicodetext4_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 5unicodetext5_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 6unicodetext6_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 7unicodetext7_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 8unicodetext8_Text - 4000 char
Unicode Text 9unicodetext9_Text - 4000 char

Rename a standard field

Tip: Open images in a new browser tab for a larger view.

1.  Navigate to Settings and select "Data Setup".

2.  Click on "Contact Fields".

3.  Scroll the field listing or use the Search box to find the field to edit.

4.  Once found, hover over the field to expose the "Edit" button. (right-side)

5.  A pop-up on right-side of page will appear. Enter the new name for the field in the "Field Alias" box.

6.  Click the "Save" button. You may need scroll down the right side to see it.

Recommendation: Some fields should not be renamed

We do not recommend that you rename the following standard data fields. Using these fields for data other than their intended purpose may prevent you from fully adopting features that use or reference the data in these fields. 

  • External System ID
  • Source
  • Unsubscribe Reason
  • Name (First, Last, Suffix, Full Name)
  • Birthday
  • Address (Address, Address Line 2, City, State, Zip, Country, County)
  • Company (Company Name, Industry, SIC Code, Company Size)
  • Sale Rep (First Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, Photo)

Create a picklist of values allowed in a field

A picklist is a list of data values saved to a demographic field. Creating a picklist allows you to ensure data integrity; if non-matching values are imported, your import report will return these records as invalid. To set up a picklist, go to Settings > Data Setup > Contact Fields.

Hover over a field to expose the Edit button.
A pop-up will appear on the right-hand side of the page after clicking Edit.

Under Picklist Options use the Add + button to add a single value at a time. Or the Upload icon to import a list of values.

Recommendation: Configure values for the Source field
Tracking a subscriber source is important to understanding the success of different marketing efforts to grow your contact list. For example, you can leverage values saved to our standard Source field to determine when to send a specific welcome email with a discount offer for subscribers that came in through your Facebook page vs. subscribers that came through a form on your website.

Picklists & forms

Picklists are ideal for fields that will be used in a subscribe form. Providing a list of options for your subscribers to pick can help you keep your data clean. You can create a list of values available in two ways: manually create the list of values in the form itself, or save a Picklist to the field in your account settings.

Follow these steps to create a list of values in your form:
  1. Drag the field from the left into your editor canvas. Click to edit.
  2. Find the Field Type in the Appearance section. Chose a field type that supports the display of multiple values like a drop-down, radio buttons, or check box.
  3. Enter the 1st value in the box provided, then click the + icon.
  4. A new box will be added for the next value.
  5. Repeat steps as needed to create your list. Tip: Choose one of the values to be shown as the default in the form.

If you created your list of values as a Picklist on the field in your account settings, note note that Picklists are not compatible to use with checkboxes or open-ended text fields in Forms. 

Merge data field values to personalize content

Merge tags allow you to dynamically insert unique data into your email message. A common example would be inserting a merge tag for the First Name demographic field to address each recipient of your email with a greeting like "Hi, Stephanie!"
To begin, open (or create) a campaign or email template in the drag-and-drop email designer.

1.  Click into a Text block and place cursor where you want to insert the merge tag.

2.  Locate and click the Merge Tag icon in the text editor. (right)

3.  Click to select desired field name from the list. Scroll list or use the Search box to find field name.

4.  The field's merge tag will be visible in the text block. 

When the campaign sends, the recipient will see their unique information.

Notes on using merge tags
  1. While merge tags allow for easy personalization, be certain that you have accurate data for the contacts that will receive the mailing. Most recipients do appreciate the personal touch... until they realize the data is wrong or incomplete.
  2. We recommend you add a default value to the fields you intend to merge into emails. This default value will be shown if a recipient of an email does not have a value in the field in your database. 
  3. You can also utilize merge tags in your subject line and preheader text to personalize those elements of an email too. You will find these is the Email Setup section of the campaign workflow:

Set default values for fields

When using merges in campaigns, it is important to consider the possibility that not all recipients may have a value stored in the field being merged. You can set default values for fields to account for the lack of data when using merges. 

1.  Navigate to Settings > select "Data Setup" > select "Contact Fields".

2.  Scroll the field listing or use the Search box to find the field to edit.

3.  Once found, hover over the field to expose the "Edit" button. (right-side)

4.  Enter default value in the "Merge Options" box.
Be sure to hit the Save button, you may need to scroll down to find it.

Be sure to go back to your campaign (or template) to insert the merge tag for the demographic field.  Setting a default is only one step in the process of utilizing merge tags to personalize your campaigns.

Recommendation: Add data to contact records to support merging of fields in mailings
You can either import a list from your database with all needed data for contacts or you can export the current list of contacts from Delivra, update the file with all necessary data, and re-import it to update records.


How do I find the data and data fields already used in my account?
The easiest way to understand what data you have and what fields have been used is to export the full list of contacts from your account.

Navigate to Contacts and click "All Contacts" from the left menu.
Or click "View" from the All Contacts title.

On the right you will see an more options icon. Click the icon and select "Export all to Excel".

A pop-up will appear to choose the data fields to include in the exported file. Select all fields > Click the Ok button.

How do I remove the timestamp from a merged date field?
The default format of date fields include the timestamp, so you need to change the display format of the field in Settings.
  1. Navigate to Settings > select "Data Setup" > select "Contact Fields".
  2. Scroll the field listing or use the Search box to find the field to edit. Once found, hover over the field to expose the Edit button.
  3. Under Merge Options you will find Date Format and Time Format settings.

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