Manage footers

Manage footers

Footers are automatically appended to the bottom of each outgoing campaign and it's purpose is to identify the sender of the email and provide opt-out options. All accounts are created with a default footer that includes the sender's company name, physical address, an option to unsubscribe or manage preferences, a forward to a friend link, a privacy policy link, and more. You can manage footers in the Settings area of your account. To get there, click the Settings icon in your left-hand navigation > click Account > click Footers.

Footer customization options vary based on your license.
Click the Create Footer button to begin.

Footer logo

Select logo image (optional)
By default your account's footer will display Delivra's logo. If you want to display your own logo image, the image must be uploaded to your media library in Delivra.

Click the Browse Image button to select the logo image.

Link your image
Type or paste a hyperlink for the logo so that when clicked from an email, it redirects to a webpage.

General details

Provide a name for your footer.

Enter other information for your company, including your company name, address, etc.

Additional settings

Here you can choose to include a Forward to a Friend link in your footer, change unsubscribe option from a link to a preference center, choose to track the unsubscribe action, and more.

To further edit your footer, click Save and Next to use a basic text editor.

In the campaign workflow you will find a button to "Create Footer" in the Email Setup section located at the bottom of the page.

A pop-up will display on-screen where you will enter a name for the footer, your company name & physical address, and a phone number (country & phone are optional).

Click the Add button when finished. This will assign the new footer to the campaign you're working on, and it will be available for future campaigns.

Manage multiple footers

If your account has multiple footers saved, you will swap the footer out as needed at the campaign or email template level. Footer selection will be in the Email Setup section of the Setup step (scroll to the bottom of the page): 

From the footer listing, click the Active radio button for the footer your want to be the default for all campaigns and email templates.

If your permissions allow, you can update the information in a saved footer. From the footer listing, hover over a footer to expose the Edit button:

Scroll to the General details section to change the footer's address information. Be sure to click the Save button when you are done.


Footers can be turned off at the account level by our Support team. A request must be submitted and approved by our Compliance team. To submit a request, email Support with the following information:
- Your use case & reason for removing footers or modifying footers to remove the unsubscribe link. 
- A sample of the footer you will use instead, with a working unsubscribe link.
- 2-3 samples of the emails that will be sent without a footer, or use a modified footer.
- Account name(s).

Yes, you can code your own footer into your email templates. The same request and approval process must take place before our Support team will turn off footers in your account. At minimum, the footer you build into your email template must include you company name, address, and an opt-out link.

You must have a published status preference center form created in your account in the Assets dashboard to make this change to a footer. After your preference center is designed and published, go to Settings > Account > Footers.
  1. Hover over the footer you want to edit and click the "Edit" button.
  2. Scroll to the "Additional Settings" section and click the box to "Include Modify Preference link".
  3. Default text [Modify Preferences or Unsubscribe] will be used for the link. To change the text displayed, type or paste new text into the "Footer Text" box. 
  4. Open the "Form Name" drop-down menu. Click on your preference center form name to select it.

You have the option to track unsubscribe or preference links for click activities. These activities will be pulled into campaign and link reporting. If you wish to track click activity for the unsubscribe or the preference center link in your footer, check the Tracked box.

Though not common, it is possible that other account settings are configured to prevent tracking of unsubscribe or preference center clicks. If you have checked the Tracked button in the footer and are not seeing any activity in campaign or link reporting, try checking this setting:
Settings > Account > Settings. Locate the Tracking section and find "enable clickthrough tracking". If this box is not checked, check it and click "Save".

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