Manage sender addresses

Manage sender addresses

A Sender Address is the From line used for the campaigns you send from your account. You can manage your sender addresses in Settings > Account > Sender Addresses.

Create a sender address for your account

Tip: Open images in a new browser window for a larger view.

1. Navigate to Settings and select "Account".

2. Click on "Sender Addresses".

3. Click the "Create Sender Address" button.

4. Enter the email address to use in the "Sender Address" box.

5. Enter the name to use in the "Sender Name" box.

6. Check the "Use as default sending address for the account" box if this Sender Address should be saved as the default for all campaigns.

Click the "Save" button to save the Sender Address to your account.

Choose a sender address for a campaign

When creating a campaign, one of the required steps is to select a Sender Name and Address. Select the desired sender address from the drop-down menu.
When multiple sender addresses are saved, they will be listed alphabetically in the drop-down menu.

Set a sender address as the account default

To the right of each sender address saved you will see a "Make Default" option. Click Make Default to set the sender address as the default for all campaigns. You can change the sender address anytime in the campaign workflow if needed.

Edit a saved sender address

Hover over a sender address to expose the Edit button. Click Edit to open the sender address and make changes.

Delete a saved sender address

Hover over a sender address to expose the Edit button. Click the down-arrow to expose the Delete button.

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