This type of automated campaign is sent to confirm email subscription. There are two types:
Single opt-in - A message to confirm that email subscription was successful & that they will begin receiving emails from you in the future. There is no action required on the subscriber's end.
Double opt-in - A message to confirm that the subscriber wants to join your email list. Until confirmation is received, they will not be sent emails from you. Action is required on the subscriber's end. A double opt-in process ensures that subscribers are real people – not spammers using fake addresses. And, some countries (Australia, Germany & other EU countries) require a double opt-in confirmation for email marketing subscriptions.
In this article, we will cover the process to set up a double opt-in confirmation campaign. The double opt-in will require use of a Delivra link for the confirmation action to work correctly. External confirmation links cannot be used in this type of campaign.
Immediately following subscription.
Other notes about this type of campaign:
Automated confirmed opt-in campaigns can be configured to send when a form is submitted, when a CSV import occurs, or when new contacts are added via API.
Assign your automated message to a form. In the form editor, navigate to the information tab (right side). In the "Sign-Up Message" section, choose the type of automated message from the "Automated Sign Up Message" drop-down. Choose "Send one confirmation message" to send your confirmed opt-in email to contacts submitting the form.
In the CSV import process, open the "Import Action" menu under the "Define Import Rules" section. Set the Import Action to "Import as unconfirmed contacts and send confirmation request".
A contact status of needs-confirm can be sent with the API call to add a new contact & send a running status confirmed opt-in email. Visit our API portal.
The recipient of a confirmation email will be placed in a contact status of 'confirm' in your Delivra account. If they click the opt in link, they'll change to normal status. If they don't choose to opt-in, they will always remain in a confirm status and no mailings will be sent to them.