Manage general account settings

Manage general account settings

General account settings apply to your entire account and these settings include your account's time zone, default segment selection for campaigns, a global reply-to setting for campaigns, and more. To get there, click the Settings icon in your left-hand navigation > click Account > click Settings.

If you change any of your general account settings, be sure to click the Save button to save your updated selections.

Basic Info tab

Read-only account and company information.
Account name Database name for your account. This field is non-editable.
Display name Displayed account name for administrators. This name is visible in your User Info icon (top right navigation). You may edit this field.
Description Description of account name, typically exact or similar to account name.
Site Client site name.

Company information is used for benchmark reporting for Industry, Company Size, Annual Revenue, and Region.

Settings tab > General

  1. Time Zone Controls how dates and times are displayed and used in segmentation, automation, and sending of campaigns. The time zone setting will affect all users with access to the account, regardless of where they are physically located.
  2. Default Segment A segment that will be included on every regular email campaign, unless you choose to remove it prior to sending. Use this feature to easily include your administrators, or other internal staff, on every regular email campaign that is sent.
  3. Force Reply-To for all Mailings Controls how incoming emails are handled when someone replies to your campaign. Add an email address to route all messages to it, regardless of the ‘FROM address’ included on your campaign. Leave this field blank to have all replies sent to the ‘FROM address’ on your campaign.

Settings tab > Tracking

  1. Enable open tracking Controls whether or not tracking will occur when a contact opens your email.
  2. Enable clickthrough tracking Controls whether or not tracking will occur when a contact clicks on links embedded in your email or SMS message.
  3. Add Google Analytics tracking tags Controls whether or not UTM parameters are added to links prior to sending your email or SMS message. Default parameters include source, medium, campaign, id, and term.
  4. Add Clickstream tracking tags Controls whether or not Delivra's clickstream integration parameters are added to links prior to sending your email or SMS message. 
  5. Include Google Analytics & Clickstream tracking for test mailings Controls whether or not UTM and clickstream parameters are added to links prior to sending a test email or SMS message. Enable this feature if you want to verify that Google Analytics and clickstream tracking is working as expected when testing the links embedded in your email or text message. Note: If you don’t want test activity to appear in your Google Analytic metrics, you will want to update your Google Analytics to exclude these events.

Settings tab > Sending

  1. Warn sender if no recipients found Controls whether or not administrators can be notified when the segment has no recipients at the time the campaign is sent. Enable this feature to allow email notifications when a sent campaign has 0 recipients. Note: Each administrator must opt in to receive the email notification.
  2. Show online version link Controls whether or not the online version link will be added to your campaign header.
  3. Send multipart Choose if a text version will be sent automatically along with the HTML.  If not checked, only the HTML part will be sent.
  4. Apply styling on uploaded and pasted HTML Controls whether or not Delivra's designer should apply its recommended styling to imported HTML files. Enable this feature if you want default styling applied to your HTML files. Do not enable this feature if you want your HTML files to be imported without changes. Note: You can override the default behavior on each content file.
  5. Show stock templates Controls whether or not a stock template library is available in your account.

Settings tab > Send frequency

Control maximum number of emails contacts should receive per day and /or set custom number of emails per x days, i.e. like 4 emails in 14 days.

Settings tab > CSV import

Import segments expire by default If checked, tags created via CSV import process will be set to expire after 30 days. You can change this per each import if needed.
Show CSV encoding on import & Show date/time format on import If checked, you will see the encoding type & date format displayed when importing CSV files.
Default CSV encoding Is set by default to Western European but other options are available in the drop down box.
Default CSV date/time format Our system by default recognizes dates in two date formats: mm/dd/yyyy & dd/mm/yyyy. To manage the date format for imports, choose your preferred format from the drop-down. Note that changing the date format for CSV imports will not change how dates are displayed in the system on a contact record. 

Settings tab > Shortcuts

Text override for Support Link Substitute out the text for the Support link.
URL Override for Support Link Change the link from Support Portal to use your own link where clients can request help. This tends to be used by re-sellers only.

Settings tab > Security

IP's with UI access
Controls allowed IP addresses for access to the system. If none are specified, any administrator can log in from any IP address.
Require captcha on forms Forces that captcha must be completed to submit a Delivra form. This protects against bot sign-ups and is highly recommended.


All outgoing emails include this link standard at the top of the email. If you want to turn it off, go to Settings > Account > Settings. Scroll to the "Sending" section and uncheck the "Show online version link" box. Click "Save" to save your update.

How do I turn off the default text version for campaigns?

Our system will generate a default text version that is sent along with the HTML version of the message. If you want to turn it off, go to Settings > Account > Settings. Scroll to the "Sending" section and uncheck the "Send multipart" box. Click "Save" to save your update.

How do I change the default segment selected for campaigns?

When creating a campaign and selecting what segment to choose, it will usually default to the administrators segment.  This segment contains the email addresses of all people who have access to your account. While we recommend using a default segment of internal people, you can change it in your account Settings. Go to Settings > Account > Settings. In the "General" section, open the "Default Segment" menu. Click on the segment name you want set as default. Click "Save" to save your update.
Note: The account's default segment is used to test campaigns & email templates. Confirm that there are email contacts in the segment because if the default segment contains zero contacts, tests of campaigns & email templates will fail to send.
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