Send a campaign

Send a campaign

You can create a campaign using a guided workflow that requires only a few steps to complete. If you are not there already, navigate to your Campaigns dashboard to begin.

Click the “Create Campaign” call to action button to launch the guided workflow.

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In the Setup tab, you will configure a few required components like providing a campaign name, setting the campaign type, choosing an email template, and setting your From & Subject lines.

Campaign Details

Enter a name for your campaign and choose the type of campaign. The regular campaign type is chosen by default. Optionally, assign the campaign to a folder for organization.

Choose how you will start the design—from a template, from blank, or from uploading a HTML file. If starting from a template, mark the radio button for the listed template file.

Email Setup
Choose your Sender Name and Address (From line) and enter your Subject line. Optionally, enter Preheader text. If needed, choose the Footer to use for the campaign.

  • Additional Sender Addresses will be saved in the drop-down menu. If you need to add a new one, click the "Add Sender Address" button.
  • Your account has at least one footer named “default”. This footer uses the address provided by your organization when the account was created. To add a new footer address click the “Create Footer” button.

Once these basics are set up, click “Save and Next” to move to the next step, Design.


Moving into the next step, you’re dropped into our drag-and-drop email editor.

On the left you will find Layout, Content and Action elements that you can add into your design.
  • From Layout, drag in new rows, add spacers or divider lines.
  • From Content, drag in new text or image blocks.
  • And from Actions, drag in a call-to-action button.

In the middle of the page you click on an element to edit it. This opens edit tools on the right side of the page. Design tools will vary based on the type of element: text, button, image, etc.

Visit this online lesson to dive into into the email editor.

Once your email design is complete, click “Save and Next” to move to the next step, Contacts.


In this step you’ll choose the audience to receive your campaign.

From the left column click and move one or more segments/tags to the right column. 

And, if you have not yet imported your mailing list, click the “Import Contacts” button. You can quickly import your list and tag it to receive this campaign.

Once your audience has been chosen for the campaign, click “Save and Next” to move to the next step, Preview.


In the Preview step of the workflow you can see a browser preview of the email.

The Preview step includes:

  • From & Subject line
  • Contact merge: enter an email address to merge data into the preview
  • File size indicator
  • Link to the online version

When you’re done using the Preview tools, click “Save and Next” to move to the next step, Test.


The Test step allows customers to send copies of the campaign to themselves for review ahead of sending it live to ensure that the email generally renders as expected and that all images display and that all links are working.

Here you will configure these options:

  • Send test to: the email(s) of people to receive a copy of the campaign for review.
  • Send this many test copies: how many copies should be sent to each person indicated.
  • Send the following parts: choose if the HTML or the TEXT version of the campaign should be sent.
  • Send a spam analysis report: run your campaign through email client spam filters & get a score back.

Also in this step you will see a "Selected Contacts" section. This section will display an estimated number of recipients that will receive your campaign.

Click “Test and Next” to move to the last step, Schedule.


In the final step of the workflow you’ll find your send options.

If you're not yet ready to send, keep the campaign unscheduled.

When you are ready to send, you can use the "Send Now" button to send the campaign now or select "Send all at the date & time specified". Click the calendar icon to choose a day and set the time.

From this last step, Save your changes, and then exit out to the main campaign dashboard.

If you need to return to the campaign, hover over the listing from the dashboard and click Edit or click the down arrow to see more options for Copy and Delete.

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