What does this error, "The following custom tables used in content must also be used in each segment:" mean?

What does this error, "The following custom tables used in content must also be used in each segment:" mean?

If you're merging data from a custom table into your email or subject line, you may have seen this error when setting up a campaign:


Broken image 

What does it mean? 

The error means that a custom table is in-use in the campaign but the segment assigned to the campaign does not include records from that table.

Customers typically experience this error when in the testing phase of campaign building where the final segment has not yet been assigned. The draft campaign in many cases is assigned a default category or an internal test segment.


How to fix it

An easy way to fix the error for testing purposes is to edit your category or segment to add the table to it.

1. Exit out of the create-a-campaign workflow.

2. Navigate to the Contacts dashboard.

3. Search for the category or segment that is being used. When located, edit it.

4. Click open the Advanced Options menu.

5. Check any appropriate tables that are being used then click Save and Test. 


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